ECOTEK organización


Our human talent is the most important asset, comprised of professionals and technicians from all branches of engineering.


Ofrecer Soluciones de Ingeniería y Gerencia de Proyectos e Innovar en Tecnologías de Procesos, generando valor para nuestros accionistas, beneficios para nuestros trabajadores y grupos de interés, así como para la sociedad en general, a través de una actividad empresarial rentable, enmarcada en principios de gerencia moderna, responsabilidad social y respeto por el medio ambiente.


To be a company recognized nationally and internationally for Engineering Solutions and Project Management and Innovation in Process Technology, doing this in a profitable, eco-friendly, and socially responsible way.



We comply responsibly with the commitments that we acquired with our customers and stakeholders.

Creativity and Innovation

We create solutions to engineering, design, or business a creative and innovative way.


Our work and our relationships are based on respect for people, the environment, and the laws.

Quality policy

Ecotek develops engineering solutions based on the context internal and external to satisfy applicable requirements from both, customers and interested parties, which include legal and regulatory requirements. Our commitment is to satisfy our customer’s needs and expectations regarding the project scope, risks, schedule, granted cost, and quality of products and services while ensuring permanent communication. We are committed to the continual improvement of our Quality Management System and the achievement of its objectives.

Quality objectives

  1. To satisfy applicable requirements from our customers and interested parties, which include legal and regulatory requirements.
  2. To satisfy our customer’s needs and expectations regarding the project scope, risks, schedule, granted cost, and quality of products and services, while ensuring permanent communication.
  3. To maintain a continuous improvement of our Quality Management System.
  4. To promote risk-based thinking in the organization.

Diversity and Inclusion

Our non-discrimination policy guarantees the existence of equal opportunities for our employees in a favorable work environment. Ecotek prohibits any form of mistreatment, violence, and discrimination from Ecotek’s executives towards the personnel and among the personnel in matters of physical appearance, culture, disability, language, sex, gender, age, social, economic, health or legal condition, pregnancy, marital status, religion, opinions, ethnicity or national origin, and sexual preferences.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Within its philosophy of Social Responsibility, Ecotek promotes the best practices to encourage the development of the communities with which it is linked, for the benefit of present and future generations. In each project carried out by Ecotek we seek to protect life, safeguard the environment and save energy. The company’s management is totally committed to the policies and practices of CSR and for this purpose promotes and supports the ideas and programs that help education, health, sports and culture of its collaborators and the entire community.

Out commitment to people

ECOTEK is committed to respect all human rights.

Our commitment to health, safety and environment

ECOTEK works in full compliance with HSE regulations, starting with its philosophy of safe work by establishing and improving procedures, training staff, and committing to manage health, safety and respect to the environment in a comprehensive manner.

Our commitment to ethics

ECOTEK has a business code based on ethics, legality, security and integrity that is present in all its policies and procedures, ensuring that things are done in the right manner. ECOTEK supports transparent management and the implementing of all initiatives against corruption

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